Thursday, October 20, 2011



Destination: Nias Island

Travel time to get there: A total mission
24 hours travel time
3 planes
2 layovers
1 3 hour car drive

and we arrive at this.

Lagundri Bay, Nias Island

Petronas Towers in Malaysia.
Just a pair of some pretty tall buildings.

The reef behind me used to covered in a meter of water before the earthquake in 2005. Now the reef is only covered by a few inches of water at high tide.

Mr. Rob Kelly posing for the camera.

 Indo dog walking on water.


 VIP lounge in Medan, Indonesia. For only 6 american dollars, we received buffet, private security line, and private bus to take us to our plane. Not a bad deal.

The Line up at Nias

Yes the waves are that good.

Timmy our host red rocket jeep.

View from in front of our surf camp.

 Local school kids, they were so stoked to see us.

Enough said...

Rented motorbikes to go into town. Roads in Indo are sketchy.

Teluk Dalam

The kids were so fun. Some of the happiest people I have ever met.

spot called A-Frame. Super heavy shallow wave.